Mar 31, 2010

Education will determine the wellbeing of our nation ~ Manmohan Singh

News- Education will determine the wellbeing of our nation ~ Manmohan Singh

Right to Education as a fundamental right formally came into effect with Prime Minister Manmohan Singh urging all stakeholders to make it a success by empowering people through education.

"Today our government comes before you to pledge all our children elementary education. The Right of Children to Free and Compulsory Education Act enacted by parliament in August, 2009 comes into force today (Thursday)," the prime minister said in his early morning address to the nation delivered both in Hindi and English.

"The fundamental right to education as incorporated in our constitution through Article 21 (A) has also become operative from today. This demonstrates our national commitment to the education of our children and to the future of India. We are a nation of young people. Education will determine the well being of our nation. Education is the key to progress. It empowers the individuals. If we nurture our children through right to education then India's future is secured," he said.

According to this landmark Act, every child in India, between 6 and 14, will have the right to education.

He said that education can be a success only when citizens work together in harmony and use creativity to make it happen.

This is also the first time a PM is speaking to the country regarding a Law.

Important pointers:

Quality of education to be bettered

Rs 15,000 crore is being released to make this happen

Within 1 km of residence, there will be a school

All these changes to be implemented in a span of 5 years

Special focus on girls, dalits, and adivaasis

Massive recruitment of teachers

Manmohan Singh added, "We are a nation of young people. Education will determine the wellbeing and future of the people of our country. India's future as a strong and prosperous country is secure. All children should have access to education."

"Our government, in partnership with state governments, will ensure that financial constraints do not hamper the implementation of the Right to Education Act" he said.

Implementation of right to education is crucial with the partnership of all teachers and educationists. Parents and guardians too have a critical role to play.

Speaking on a personal level, he said, "I was born into a "sadhaaran" (modest means) family. In my childhood I had to walk a long distance to school I had to study under a dim kerosene lamp. I am what I am today because of education."

"I want every Indian child, girl and boy, to be so touched by the light of education. I want every Indian to dream of a better future and live that dream", he concluded.