Mar 30, 2010

Andaman and Nicobar Islands

Andaman and Nicobar Islands is a union territory of India, with Port Blair as its capital. It is located in The Indian Ocean, and has over 570 islands, out of which only 38 are permanently inhabited. Earlier British used them as an isolated prison for the fighters of Indian Independence, but now these 'Emerald Islands' are a famous tourist destination. It has various hotels to cater to the demands of tourists.

Some of the islands in Andaman and Nicobar are hilly in places, covered with tropical jungle and with flat stretches of beaches. Adventure tourism like trekking, Island camping, snorkeling, SCUBA diving are the real attractions.

The places of interest include Cellular Jail, Mahatma Gandhi Marine National Park, Water Sports Complex, Fisheries Museum, Chidiya Tapu, Mount Harriet and Samudrika Museum. It is also famous for its only active volcano, Barren Island. It also has many state of the art hotels to cater to its ever-booming tourism industry. Spectacular mix of nature's most prized delights; the Andaman & Nicobar Islands are a once in a lifetime holiday experience.


Location : Bay of Bengal (Between Sumatra & Andaman Islands)

Latitude : Between 6th Parallel and 10th Parallel of North Latitude.

Longitude : Between 92.40 degrees and 94 degrees of East Longitude.

How To Reach Nicobar

Nicobar district is connected to Port Blair with ship as well as air. Car Nicobar the district head quarter is 250 kms. away from Port Blair. Nicobar district (except Campbell Bay) is a restricted area. Any one who is interested in visiting this district would require obtaining a LANDING PERMIT from the Office of the Deputy Commissioner, Andaman District. (03192-233089).

Ship service is available between Port Blair and Nicobar district. Normally ship is available twice in a week. One can obtain the ship ticket from the office of the Director, Shipping services (03192-230480) at Port Blair.

PAWAN HANS Helicopter Limited has started the inter-island helicopter service in the Andaman & Nicobar Islands from 2nd June 2003. One can reserve the tickets for PAWAN HANS from the office of the Director, Civil Aviation. (03192-230480.). Helicopter goes to Nicobar district from Port Blair.


The atmosphere is damp and warm all the year round though when the sun is soothing the nights may be chilly, while the temperature varies from 65 to 98 degrees (F) in the shade. The rainfall is anything between 90 and 170 inches annually, and is considerably more on Great Nicobar; most rain falls during the South West Monsoon, but hardly a month passes without it.

The monsoon sets in at the end of May or beginning of June and strong south-westerly winds heavy squalls are current till September. Easterly winds prevail from November till April, usually beginning from the south-east and veering round to the north-east. During October and from February to April it is usually calm. Cyclones have been recorded here, but as a rule the cyclones, which reverse the Bay of Bengal, originate north of the Nicobars and do not affect these islands.

Normal rainfall : 2750 mm

Temperature : 22 deg – 32 deg.

Relative humidity : 70%


Six distinct dialects and languages are spoken in the Archipleago- one Car Nicobar, another Chowra, Teressa and Bompoka, together have one, the centre Islands of Kamorta, Nancowry, Trinket and Katchal speak a fourth, Little Nocobar and Great Nicobar with their adjacent Islands have a fifth. Lastly, the shompens who are also one of the Aboriginal tribe staying in interior part of Great Nicobar employ a speech that is different from the others. The languages has 25 consonants and 35 vowel. It is Polysyllabic and untoned. There are quite a number of foreign words from “SHAPOTO” ( for boat) , “Labre ( for book-paper) and “SHAPEO” (for hat) are from Portuguese language. The words “MONGKO” (cup) “KAPO” (Buffalow) and “HAIYAM” (fowl) are for instance from the Malaya language.


98 percent of the Nicobarese are Christians following the Protestant faith. Christianity spread after the advent of a South Indian Missionary, one Mr. Vedeppan Thambuswamy who later took the name of Mr. Vedeppan Solomon. The remaining 2 percent population consists of Muslim originally from Minicoy and Gujarat. Some of them married Nicobarese and can now be termed as “Nicobari Muslims”. Then a section of the people in Island like Chowra and Shompens of Great Nicobar still profess their old religion of animism.

In Car Nicobar there are 10 churches. The oldest church is at Mus (St. Thomas Church), where the maker of modern Nicobar Bishop John Richardson was buried


As per 2001 census, population of Nicobar district is 42,026.


The Primary occupation of the tribal population is agriculture, which is basically limited to cocunut, arecanut and banana plantations.

Environment & Wildlife

The ecological system of Islands is fragile. Both top soil cover and water resources are limited. Except for few seasonal streams (nallahs), Galathea, Alexandria and Dagmar streams in Great Nicobar, there are no fresh water sources, which can be termed as rivers. Galathea was explored for the first time in 1901 by the Boden Kloss expedition and later by a party led by the Deputy Commissioner, Nicobars District in June 1978.

The Ministry of Environment and Forests, G.O.I. has designated major part of Great Nicobar as Biosphere reserve. The reserve extends in two parts over 885 Sq.Km. or about 85% of the Great Nicobar Island.

To conserve and protect the bio diversity of flora and fauna two areas were declared as National Parks namely Campbell Bay National Park & Galathea National Park in this district.

Three Islands of Nicobar District has been declared as Wild Life Sanctuary. Battimilav Island Sanctuary is one of the strongholds of Nicobar Pigeon. Magapode Island Sanctuary, the southern most wild life sanctuary of India, is one of the last strongholds of greatly endangered Magapode. Tilanchong Island Sanctuary, set-up to protect the rare and endangered northern subspecies (Nicobariensis) of the Magapode.

There are no dangerous wild animals in the District. Common birds found include the Imperial pigeon, Green pigeon, Golden riole, king fishers, common sparrow, Babblers, sunbird, green parrot, owls and Doves. There is also a fair prickling of wild fowls. The common crow is conspicuous by its total absence. Of the sea birds, only bleak fish eagles and wild sea gulls have been spotted. Bats are present in large numbers and are eaten as great delicacy.

Among the reptiles, the Python and centipede are found. Crocodiles and monkeys are found only in Great Nicobar and Katchal Islands.

The Nicobar Islands have a considerable stock of marine life. We have beautiful coral formations, seashells of different sizes, and varieties of fish like sardines, tuna, barracuda, mullets, mackerels, starfish and flying fish. Sharks and dolphins have also been spotted. Whales have also been seen inside the Nancowry harbour. Other smaller sea creature found includes turtles, octopus and crabs of all kinds.